Student Education fund(SEF)

Community Health Promotion Fund (CHPF) opened up the student educational fund (SEF) with the main aim to assist needy students at North Coast Medical Training College (NCMTC) with their school fees.

The SEF assists students with study loans and in special needy cases with bursaries or other forms of support directly supporting their ability to learn at NCMTC.

CHPF mobilizes funds for the SEF, manages the funds, selects and supports the beneficiaries of these funds, and reports back to the donors.

CHPF has partnered with the Higher Education Loans Board to offer loans to students pursuing health related courses at North Coast Medical Training College in Kilifi County. The fund was set up in 2015 and the service contact was signed on 26th November 2015

CHPF collaborates closely with NCMTC in selection and support of students and with the Higher Education Loans Board (HELB) which disburses loans to individual students and is responsible for management of recovery / repayments.

our main goals

The Student Education Fund ensures that more students get to complete their studies and become who they wished to be. The quality of Health Care within Kenya will improve and after finding jobs, the repayments of the loans will help other students in the future.

Products offered by the Student Education Fund


  • A total of 39,780,445.00 has been utilized by 410 students having disbursed a total of 813 loans.
  • Students from 34 counties across the country benefitted from the funds. 54% of these loan beneficiaries are from Kilifi County, and this can be attributed to the location of the institution which also has the highest number of students from the county.
  • Out of the total No of beneficiaries, 219 are female beneficiaries while 191 were their male counterparts representing a percentage of 53% and 47% respectively
  • A total of 184 students have started repaying their loans and a total, Kshs. 2,533,508.65 in principal amount has been repaid. This amount has been revolved back to the fund and part of it has been distributed as loans to students.
  • Within the SEF programme, the fund has supported 14 female students with full study loans as they were new students who were qualified to pursue courses but due to financial difficulties they were at home. 2 of the beneficiaries have completed and graduated under the German Doctor’s funded project.

Salim Rumba graduated last year after benefiting from the partial support he received from study loans

Success Story

“Education is the societal equalizer” according to Nelson Mandela first president of south  Africa. The impact of the Student Education Fund (SEF) is a true reflection of the same.  The community health promotion fund CHPF has done a commendable job through the (SEF). 

This is evident through the success stories from the beneficiaries of the initiative through either; partial, almost full scholarships and support via accommodation. students of North Coast Medical Training college from vulnerable families are the key targets to enable them achieve their dreams. Here is Emmanuel one of the beneficiary of the package.

Michael Opiyo Khasenye

Michael Opiyo Khasenye is a registered Nutrition technologist, an Alumni of North Coast Medical Training College. It was almost becoming difficult for him to finish up his studies, due to the huge amount of fees that his parents were unable raise.

So, he decided to apply for a study loan from HELB through CHPF. He received two loans loans that totaled up to 90,000KES.The first loans was given to him as a student which totaled up to 60,000KES while the second loan of 30,000KES was given to him as a staff to pursue a course in Health Professions Education.

Michael completed his courses and graduated on the 7th of July 2017. After graduation, he was lucky to join a mentorship program that was launched at North Coast Medical Training College. From the mentoring program, Michael realized his passion to teach and hence thought of venturing medical training.

He started paying back his loan in 2018, his first instalment of 3,000 was deposited on 5th of December 2018. He later increased his monthly payment of the study loan to 5,000KES which really helped him finish up the loan by February 2022

He paid his loan within 38months.Michael was very determined to pay back the loan because he was aware that the study loan was a revolving fund hence his efforts to pay back would impact the continuity and provide an opportunity to other disadvantaged students to access the loan.

Michael also strived to pay the loan for him to maintain good relationship with CHPF for the organisation supported him to achieve his dreams hence he would not want to stop the process in which needy students are able to achieve their dreams. Given an opportunity to further his studies Michael would apply again for the study loan.

Currently, Michael works for North Coast Medical Training College as trainer and enabler of learning at various capacities. He also works with other private hospitals to offer nutrition related services especially designing of diet plans and Menu.

Samson Muinde

During the 2024 graduation, Samson Muinde was very happy and grateful to the Student Education Fund for supporting his three year Diploma in Orthopedic and trauma medicine which he was worried that he would not complete as he is an orphan hence faced a lot of challenges with fees.

Samson was receiving a partial study loan each term, which was half of the total amount that he was required to pay. This helped him have a conducive environment for him to graduate as the best overall student in department.

Samson is looking forward to getting a job within his local health facility and commits to repay his study loan so that other needy students like him can achieve their dreams.

Student education fund is a sub-division of community health promotion fud that live to ensure that the young and focused persons are not left behind in academic matters. 

As a team we live to fight disparities on social classification and belief that education is the only equalizer of the same in the society. 

We are dedicated to making sure that the young generation within our reach are well informed and supported where necessary to aid in transforming the community.

Samson being a dedicated person we belief that she will deliver quality services to the public.


Peris Zawadi is among our fully supported beneficiary, who was supported from the start of her course to the graduation. Peris was supported to pursue a course in Community Health Assistant which took six months.

Before joining NCMTC, Peris was working as a casual worker in the EPZ where she was receiving very little money to just support her basic needs and she really wanted to pursue her education after high school. through CHPF student education fund programme, her dream came through and she is now happy and resdy for service in the community.

Ania Muhache

Ania Muhache was supported to pursue a certificate in Health System Support which took two years, within the two years the German Doctor’s through the Student Education Fund supported her with accommodation and tuition funds.

Ania was not sure that she would join NCMTC as her single mother could not afford the fees, she was identified by her area chief as a passionate young person and referred to SEF for the opportunity.

Ania is very excited to graduate in December 2024 which is a milestone in her entire life.