CHPF team under Mzazi na Mtoto issuing gifts to post natal mothers at their homes in Chidongo village. The ANC Mothers attended 6 ANC clinic visits without fail at Bomani dispensary. The post natal mothers are motivated with the gifts whenever they attend over 6 ANC visits at the dispensary and also health education sessions at the level 1 – Health Information Point (HIP).
Use of incentives and the gifts is a motivational tool to the mothers. By doing this we have been able to upscale the numbers of mothers seeking medical attentions and attending to the clinics fully. Unlike in the past today mothers can present themselves and highlight the challenges they go through while pregnant and after pregnancy. Community health promotion fund together with Mzazi Na Mtoto continues to play a vital role in the community mainly to promote Primary Health Care role in the community of Bomani, Kilifi south sub-county Kilifi County.