The objectives for the session were: –
- Get feedback on nutrition knowledge amongst the adolescents.
- Sensitizing menstrual health amongst the adolescent. (both girls and boys)
- Life skill concepts amongst adolescents.
Feedback on nutrition knowledge amongst the adolescents.
- This theme was spearheaded by the students in which the aim was to evaluate and get feedback on nutrition concept routinely taught in school during normal engagement with our learners.
- This was achieved though fan ‘Card game’ challenge that had pictures of different foods from varieties of food groups. Pupils had to choose some of their representative to participate in the ‘Card game’; in which the representative was to choose the cards with pictures of food varieties.. and make sure the cards they chooses when combined add up to balanced diet. Then the pupils judge the representative to get the winner (who manages to choose the balanced diet). The winners for the ‘Card game’ challenge were appreciated.
- Group discussion on menstrual health concept.
- Both boys and girls were put in groups and shared with challenge question about menstrual concept for both genders as follows: –
Q1. For boys:
- What is menstrual health?
- Boys’ roles in menstrual health.
- What are children rights and parents’ rights?
Q2. For girls:
- What is menstrual health?
- What roles do girls have on themselves and to others on menstrual health?
- Challenges girls go through in when on menstruation.
- What are children rights and parents’ rights?
- After a period of group discussion, each group chosen two representatives for representation. After presentation session, pads placing demonstration was done; at first both boys and girls participated in demonstrating their knowledge on putting sanitary pads. Then the Ncmtc finalized by correcting mistakes identified from the pupils’ demonstration challenges. From the finding both girls had the right knowledge on menstrual health, and both pad placing demonstrations.
Lesson learnt from the activity
- Both gender learnt that they need to support each other, and menstrual is not a girl thing only.
- Boys learnt and agreed that they don’t need to humiliate their colleagues (girls) when they stain.
- Boys agreed that they can support with money ‘with no attachment’ as they do some casual jobs and sometimes they have small cash. When they are unable to support in buying pad due to lack of cash, they seek help of teacher through reporting/updating.
- Girls learnt the important of menstrual hygiene, that is how to observe hygiene when putting pad, when to change the pad, and how to dispose the used pad.
- Board game and plate balancing game.
- Board game challenge. Here pupils were instructed to choose two active/entrusted representatives. The chosen representatives were given instruction on how to walk on board. They were given the warm up for trails. Then the competition kicked off.
- Plate balancing challenge. Here pupils were too instructed to choose two active/entrusted representatives. The chosen representatives were given instruction on how to balance a glassful of water on the plates. The plate had eight perforations around its edges, where a string was tied to each perforation, and participants were to balance the plate while holding the string from the far end. From the groups of eights, all had their leader whose was to instruct the group while participating in the challenge. They were given the warm up for trails. Then the competition kicked off.
Lessons learnt from the activity
- Team work.
- Resilience.
- Leadership.
- Following instructions.
- Observation is the key.
- Boy learnt/realised their role to support their younger sisters both at home and their fellow girls while in school on matters of menstrual health.
- The children were sensitized on their rights.
- Children were empowered through participating in games that taught them several life skills.
- Good participation of respective Bodoi teacher, who were in part of us from the beginning of the event till the end.
- The pupils/adolescents participation in all planned activities was very good and encouraging.
- Ncmtc student involvement in spearheading the major roles of the event which was well organized.