Community Health Promotion Fund through Counselling Programme recognizes that “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes their own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to their community.
Mental health is part of our overall health, and influences how we feel, think and behave. It is also interlinked with our physical health. Mental health is not just the absence of distress or illness, but includes a sense of well-being, maintaining supportive relationships and feeling that one can be meaningfully productive in the community and are able to cope with the typical stresses of life.
Mental health and mental health conditions exist on a continuum that most of us go up or down as we go through life and have both positive and adverse experiences.
This is one of the programmes under CHPF that was started in July 2022. Counselling is a Social work venture performed through the HIPs, at the grassroots level. It was identified that some community members and patients at Bomani dispensary needed psycho social and counselling support especially the vulnerable and less fortunate ,helping them to work through challenges that they face in their daily life, also helping them to meet basic and complex needs that will lead to improve lives of individual ,families ,groups and community at large
To meet the social psychological needs of the community through counselling.
The students using BME activity to sensitize hypertensive and diabetic clients at BODOI village on importance of drug adherence and regular BP checks
Community Health Promotion Fund Counselling Officer providing counselling services on parenting, mental health, and the importance of family planning in Bodoi catchment area in Kilifi South Sub-County. The activities by our social workers are designed to bring about change in the community by addressing the mental well-being.
guiding and counselling enable community members realize their potential in the society at large.
Picture A and B shows a HBC client (elderly woman)at Bodoi village,she is a Hypertensive and diabetic patient,who had complications from the same 2 years ago, She had stroke ,she could not walk,she only crawled and her speech was blurred. Due to comprehensive care from the HBC team that is community nurse, physio, SBCC elderly and social worker making sure that there intact family and caregiver support,PC is now walking and very happy!
Community health promotion fund CHPF Through the social work department joined the world in marking the world mental health day in Oct.
The move is as a result of the activities that the department has been carrying out within our catchment areas. CHPF has a Home Based Care program that enables the organisation trace the patients from the remotes of Kilifi South Sub-county. A total of 41 attended the meeting both men and women, youths and adults were present.
The attendants were a mix of the patients under the CHPF watch that had recovered and the caregivers giving testimonies. Key challenges identified were: stigmatization and myths about the mental illness by the community.
During the event a call for collective responsibility was reiterated and positivity leading to the best way of fighting the situation. psychiatrics and medical professionals were ready and enrolled four (4) more patients in the programme. Medicare services were rendered free of charge. Our patients who couldn’t manage to attend the event are served under the HBC programme.
Our social worker meeting with different groups of women in our catchment areas. The conversations in this meetings are coiled around elevating the community from poverty and dealing with health issues concurrently.