community based education and service

This is a community based  system both in the set-up of the training and in the provision of services to the surrounding community, with a clear mission to address gaps in the healthcare system.

health assessment

checking client vitals i.e blood pressure, temperature, height and weight, BMI

Health education

Empowing community with knowledge, attitude and pasitive practices on various health issues to keep them health and have positive health seeking behaviors

home visit

Follow up to the clients who received referral from HIPs to check on their: °Well-being after medical management
Recheck vitals
°Assess risk factors associated to the disease process
Offer home based services

growth monitoring

Growth monitoring involves tracking and assessing an individual's physical development over time, particularly in children. This process typically includes measuring parameters such as height, weight, and head circumference. The primary goals are to identify any deviations from normal growth patterns, ensure that growth is progressing appropriately, and intervene early if there are signs of growth-related issues.

bridges of hope(BOH)

Demonstration of a Behavior Change Communication strategy

First Aid Training

Educating the community on what first aid is all about to enhance community response to emergency cases. Basic first aid knowledge is vital for everyone, as it can help to prevent minor injuries from becoming more severe. Moreover, trained individuals can relieve pain, prevent infections, and reduce the risk of further damage to the injured area.

Additionally, administering first aid in a timely manner can help to prevent long-term disabilities. For example, if someone experiences a stroke, proper first aid can help to minimize brain damage and reduce the risk of permanent disability. Similarly, if someone suffers a heart attack, performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can increase their chances of survival.

CHPF officer Demonstrating (CPR) cardiopulmonary resuscitation. One of the important aspect in the entire first aid process. Event took place at Mirrima minne kilifi south sub county

Additionally, administering first aid in a timely manner can help to prevent long-term disabilities. For example, if someone experiences a stroke, proper first aid can help to minimize brain damage and reduce the risk of permanent disability. Similarly, if someone suffers a heart attack, performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can increase their chances of survival.

Training on how to handle a casualty and transportation. The creativity of using available resources is encouraged to minimize on the costs. activity that took place at Mirrima Minne kilifi south sub-county kilifi county

Basic first aid training covers a range of topics, including how to assess the situation, how to perform rescue breathing and CPR, how to treat burns, cuts, and bruises, and how to use an aid kit.

COBES school programme

CHPF- COBES and German Doctors (GD) intervention to combat fungal infections through the school health program.

The intervention was marked by enlightening the children in school on the means to address the cases and they were given Clotrimazole to help treat the infection.

Clotrimazole is a medicated antifungal skin cream, lotion, ointment or solution. It treats certain kinds of skin fungal or yeast infections. 

pupils being taught on the major causes of fungal infections and the the possible mechanisms to combat.
school health education on prevention and promotive measures
issuance of the Clotrimazole which is a medicated antifungal skin cream, lotion, ointment or solution.


One requirement of proper nutrition is to ensure that over half of your dinner plate contains vegetables. In rural areas, it is easy to access a variety of vegetables and fruits. However, in urban areas where land is scarce, the only option is to buy. Buying comes with its own set of challenges that you and I have to contend with daily. Fortunately, you can grow your own vegetables regardless of where you live. Here are six reasons a kitchen garden is a must have for you and your family.

Healthy Eating

A kitchen garden is one way to ensure that you have a constant supply of vegetables in your diet. Even better is the fact that you are assured that your vegetables have no chemical residue compared to the ones you buy in the market.

It keeps you busy

Covid-19 has changed our lives. We can no longer go out for barbecue and parties on weekends, which leaves us with a lot of free time. Instead of watching TV or sleeping all day, you can start kitchen gardening. It helps pass time and its therapeutic.

Round the clock access

Most of us has that one friend that visits without informing us. The kitchen garden saves you the panic as you wonder what to prepare for your guest as well as the awkwardness of leaving them alone in the house as you rush to the market to get some onions.

The project manager community based education services COBES madam Jane Mabuka with the kitchen gardener on the farm during the harvesting of the produce.

Community health promotion fund (CHPF)has facilitated a number of residents in the community by providing necessities for the kitchen garden project.


Cost and time saving

One impact of the Coronavirus has been an increased cost of living. As a result, it has become a necessity to save. Growing your own vegetables can help cut your groceries budget by a huge chunk. Moreover, a kitchen garden saves you a trip to the market and you can use that time for something else.

Gardening is an excellent opportunity to bond

Instead of living your children to the internet and cartoons all day, why don’t you engage them in gardening? It will give you an opportunity to spend some time with them and bond better.


Gardening is a wonderful opportunity for your children to learn. After all, you do not want your children thinking that onions grow on trees. Gardening improves the literacy skills of your children as they learn the names of different plants and tools used in the garden. Some children may also enjoy scribbling on the soil with sticks, which improves their writing skills.

Physical development

Gardening involves movement and lifting here and there. Such activities offer great opportunities for the development of your child’s motor skills. Picking the different tools and seeds you are using can help children improve their grasp.

Bottom Line

Kitchen gardening offers a lot of benefits for you and your family. The good thing is that you don’t need a huge parcel of land for kitchen gardening. You can use the little space in your compound or make use of old tins and bags.

Community Based Education Services Project Manager Madam Jane Mabuka promoting the gardener and the beneficiary of the program by purchasing the vegetables.